Publication list also available on Google scholar.

Papers - Talks - Students

    1. A. Drogoul and R. Veltz Hopf bifurcation in a nonlocal nonlinear transport equation stemming from stochastic neural dynamics Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(2), 2017 (www), Bibtex


    1. R. Veltz On a toy network of neurons interacting through nonlinear dendritic compartments , Random Structures on the Brain, Lorentz Center in Leiden, The Netherlands, 2017
    2. R. Veltz Oscillatory dynamics in a stochastic spiking neural network , BANFF: Brain Dynamics and Statistics, Alberta Canada, 2017


    1. Q. Cormier Study of mean field models of spiking neural networks , PhD, co-supervised with E.Tanré, 2017
    2. Q. Cormier Study of a mean field model of spiking neural network , Master 2, ENS Lyon, co-supervised with E.Tanré, 2017