Dear visitor                                

I am a researcher at the Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur in the team Cronos.

What I am working on:

My current research is axed on descriptions and analysis of neural networks from the point of view of dynamical systems. My goal is to develop numerical / theoretical tools that allow an efficient study of these systems in order to draw predictions to be tested in experiments in neurobiology.

More specifically, I am interested in the following fields (not in a particular order):

Applications in (theoretical) neurosciences
  • Tractography
  • whole brain models
  • Neural plasticity (synaptic...)
  • Spiking neural networks and their mean field
  • Signal integration in dendritic spines / synapses
  • Modelling of cortical areas 
Dynamical Systems / Probability Theory
  • Koopman formalism
  • Hyperbolic PDEs
  • Nonlocal transport equations
  • Pattern formation
  • Jump processes / Point processes, stochastic dynamics
  • Harris recurrence
  • Delayed systems

Events and Committees

  • I organized the second ICMNS conference on mathematical neurosciences in June 2016. I am in the advisory board of the next editions.
  • I am in the Editorial Board of the journal Mathematical Neurosciences and Applications
  • I am in the Scientific committee of wavecomplexity
  • I was responsible for projects of the (Human Brain Project) HBP SGA3 program, ended in October 2023


"There never have been and never will be any 'applied sciences', there are only applications of sciences" -- (Pasteur)

"I have never heard of such a mathematician, he is actually a physicist" -- (Landau on Poincaré)