Publication list also available on Google scholar.

Papers - Talks - Students

    1. R. Veltz (in prep.) A mean-field model of two-dimensional nonlinear integrate-and-fire neurons 2025 Bibtex
    1. S. Barland, O. D'Huys, and R. Veltz Excitable response of a noisy adaptive network of spiking lasers 2024 (www), Bibtex
    1. S. Habib and R. Veltz Theoretical / numerical study of modulated traveling waves in inhibition stabilized networks 2024 (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz Applications of jump processes to neuroscience HDR, 2024 (www), Bibtex
    1. Y. E. Rodrigues, H. Marie, C. O’Donnell, and R. Veltz A stochastic model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity with geometrical readout of enzyme dynamics Elife, 2023 (www), PDF, github, Bibtex
    1. M. Chafaï, A. Delrocq, P. Inquimbert, L. Pidoux, K. Delanoe, M. Toft, F. Brau, E. Lingueglia, et al.
      Dual contribution of ASIC1a channels in the spinal processing of pain information by deep projection neurons revealed by computational modeling PLOS Computational Biology (Publisher: Public Library of Science), 19(4), 2023 calcium channels functional electrical stimulation neuronal dendrites neurons pain potassium channels spinal cord transfection (www), Bibtex
    1. O. Faugeras, A. Song, and R. Veltz Spatial and color hallucinations in a mathematical model of primary visual cortex CRAS, 2022 (www), arxiv, Bibtex
    1. D. Otti, V. Romain, D. Axel, M. Francesco, and B. Stephane Canard resonance: on noise-induced ordering of canard trajectories in heterogeneous networks of slow-fast systems Journal of Physics: Photonics, 2020 Bibtex
    1. Q. Cormier, E. Tanré, and R. Veltz Hopf bifurcation in a Mean-Field model of spiking neurons 2020 Arxiv, Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz BifurcationKit.jl Inria Sophia-Antipolis, 2020 pseudo-arclength-continuation periodic-orbits floquet gpu bifurcation-diagram deflation newton-krylov (www), Bibtex
    1. A. Drogoul and R. Veltz Exponential stability of the stationary distribution of a mean field of spiking neural network Journal of Differential Equations, 2020 (www), PDF, Hal-INRIA, Bibtex
    1. A. Dolcemascolo, A. Miazek, R. Veltz, F. Marino, and S. Barland Effective low-dimensional dynamics of a mean-field coupled network of slow-fast spiking lasers Phys. Rev. E, 101, 2020 (www), Bibtex
    1. D. Avitabile, M. Desroches, R. Veltz, and M. Wechselberger Local theory for spatio-temporal canards and delayed bifurcations SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 52(6), 2020 Bibtex
    1. Q. Cormier, E. Tanré, and R. Veltz Long time behavior of a mean-field model of interacting neurons Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2019 mathematics - probability (www), Arxiv, Bibtex
    1. B. Aymard, F. Campillo, and R. Veltz Mean-field limit of interacting 2D nonlinear stochastic spiking neurons arXiv e-prints, 2019 mathematics - numerical analysis Arxiv, Bibtex
    1. N. Fournier, E. Tanré, and R. Veltz On a toy network of neurons interacting through their dendrites Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, 2019 (www), PDF, Arxiv, Bibtex
    1. A. Song, O. Faugeras, and R. Veltz A neural field model for color perception unifying assimilation and contrast PLOS Computational Biology, 2019 (www), Bibtex
    1. T. Górski, R. Veltz, M. Galtier, H. Fragnaud, J. S. Goldman, B. Teleńczuk, and A. Destexhe Dendritic sodium spikes endow neurons with inverse firing rate response to correlated synaptic activity Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 45(3), 2018 (www), Bibtex
    1. A. Dolcemascolo, B. Garbin, B. Peyce, R. Veltz, and S. Barland Resonator neuron and triggering multipulse excitability in laser with injected signal Phys. Rev. E, 98, 2018 (www), Bibtex
    1. A. Drogoul and R. Veltz Hopf bifurcation in a nonlocal nonlinear transport equation stemming from stochastic neural dynamics Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(2), 2017 (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz and T. J. Sejnowski Periodic Forcing of Inhibition-Stabilized Networks: Nonlinear Resonances and Phase-Amplitude Coupling Neural Computation, 27(12), 2477-2509, 2015 oscillation gamma band theta band (www), PDF, Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz A new twist for the simulation of hybrid systems using the true jump method arXiv [math], 2015 mathematics - numerical analysis (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz and O. Faugeras ERRATUM: A Center Manifold Result for Delayed Neural Fields Equations SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 47(2), 2015 (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz, P. Chossat, and O. Faugeras On the Effects on Cortical Spontaneous Activity of the Symmetries of the Network of Pinwheels in Visual Area V1 The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN), 5(1), 2015 visual hallucinations invariant torus poincaré–hopf (www), Bibtex
    1. J. Rankin, E. Tlapale, R. Veltz, O. Faugeras, and P. Kornprobst Bifurcation analysis applied to a model of motion integration with a multistable stimulus Journal of computational neuroscience, 34(1), 2013 Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz and O. Faugeras A center manifold result for delayed neural fields equations SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45(3), 2013 Bibtex
    1. J. M. Cortes, M. Desroches, S. Rodrigues, R. Veltz, M. A. Munoz, and T. J. Sejnowski Short-term synaptic plasticity in the deterministic Tsodyks-Markram model leads to unpredictable network dynamics Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(41), 2013 (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz Interplay between synaptic delays and propagation delays in neural field equations SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 12(3), 2013 (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz and O. Faugeras Stability of the stationary solutions of neural field equations with propagation delays The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN), 1(1), 2011 (www), Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz An analytical method for computing Hopf bifurcation curves in neural field networks with space-dependent delays Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 349(13), 2011 (www), PDF, Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz and O. Faugeras Local/global analysis of the stationary solutions of some neural field equations SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 9(3), 2010 Bibtex
    1. R. Veltz and O. Faugeras Illusions in the ring model of visual orientation selectivity arXiv preprint arXiv:1007.2493, 2010 (www), Bibtex
    1. O. Faugeras, R. Veltz, and F. Grimbert Persistent neural states: stationary localized activity patterns in nonlinear continuous n-population, q-dimensional neural networks Neural computation, 21(1), 2009 (www), PDF, Bibtex
    1. M. Clerc, R. Veltz, D. Guiraud, J. L. Divoux, and others The 3d potential induced by functional electrical stimulation with multi-contact cuff electrodes: simulation and validation International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society Conference, 2008 Bibtex


    1. R. Veltz Some results concerning a mean field of a network of 2d spiking neurons , Topics on Neuroscience, Collective Migration and Parameter Estimation, Oxford, 2023
    2. R. Veltz Some recent results on a mean field of a network of 2d spiking neurons , Mathematical modeling and statistical analysis in neuroscience, 2022
    3. R. Veltz Présentation de BifurcationKit , Journée Julia (CNRS), 2022
    4. R. Veltz Café calcul - Julia , Invited by Pierre Navaro, 2021
    5. R. Veltz Mean field Models of noisy spiking neurons , Colloqium MAP5, Invited talk, 2021
    6. R. Veltz Mean field study of stochastic spiking neural networks , CMS Winter Meeting, Invited talk, 2020
    7. R. Veltz Analysis of a mean field of 2d spiking neurons, theory and numerics , International Meeting UK-France Programme, Royal Society, 2019
    8. R. Veltz On a toy network of neurons interacting through nonlinear dendritic compartments , Mean-field approaches to the dynamics of neuronal networks, EITN, 2018
    9. R. Veltz On a toy network of neurons interacting through nonlinear dendritic compartments , Random Structures on the Brain, Lorentz Center in Leiden, The Netherlands, 2017
    10. R. Veltz Oscillatory dynamics in a stochastic spiking neural network , BANFF: Brain Dynamics and Statistics, Alberta Canada, 2017
    11. R. Veltz Two examples of temporal rhythms generated by neural mass/field equations , Centre for Math. Medicine and Biology, University of Nottingham, 2013


    1. G. Rebecchi Synaptic inference and plasticity manipulation in neurospheres , Master 2, co-supervised with J.-M. Comby and P. Reynaud-Bouret, 2024
    2. A. Delrocq Machine learning of SNN , Master 2, co-supervised with H. Marie, 2021
    3. A. Delrocq Models of WDR neurons in dorsal horn , Master 1, co-supervised with E. Deval, 2019
    4. S. Ebert Dynamical synapses in the retina , Master 1, co-supervised with B. Cessac, 2019
    5. Q. Cormier Study of mean field models of spiking neural networks , PhD, co-supervised with E.Tanré, 2017
    6. Q. Cormier Study of a mean field model of spiking neural network , Master 2, ENS Lyon, co-supervised with E.Tanré, 2017
    7. P. Helson Study of plasticity laws , PhD, co-supervised with E.Tanré, 2016
    8. R. Forquet Modelling of synaptic plasticity , Master 1, co-supervised with H. Marie, 2016
    9. C. Baron Modelling of synaptic plasticity , Master 1, co-supervised with H. Marie, 2016
    10. Q. Cormier Study of plasticity laws , Master 1, ENS Lyon, co-supervised with E.Tanré, 2015
    11. S. Almeida Simulation of PDMP , Undergraduate, 2014
    12. A. Razetti Simulation of PDMP , Undergraduate, 2014